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    Kelayakan Bisnis Peningkatan Produksi Lalat Black Soldier Fly Pada PT Biomagg Indonesia

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    The business development of BSF insect have problems especially in maggot production. The purpose of this study is analyze the feasibility of best alternatives business strategy to increasing production of black soldier fly. This research was conducted in December 2019-February 2020. The type of data used is primary data of financial and non-financial aspects. Data collected by quantitative method through interviews with Mr. Aminudi as CEO of Biomagg Indonesia Ltd and Prof.Dewi Astuti as an expert of BSF flies. The business feasibility analysis in this study includes aspects of financial visibility (NPV, IRR, profitability index and payback period) and non-financial aspects (legal, technic and operating aspects, management, socioeconomic and nature). The analysis shows that all scenario was worth from non-financial and financial feasibility aspects The problem of deficiencies in supply of organic waste can be solved by running scenario two which Biomagg Indonesia Ltd buy organic waste from traditional market and Islamic school. the financial feasibility of third scenario was worthy to run because it has the best NPV , IRR , profitability index and payback period . the logistic problem can be resolved by running the first scenario to move cages close to the source of organic waste was in urban areas. Biomagg Indonesia Ltd in first scenario made cooperation with Institute of Research and Development Ornamental Fish Culture to built the cage. Biomagg Indonesia Ltd does not need cost to built it. Keywords: business feasibility analysis, black soldier fly, food waste, maggo

    Kelayakan bisnis peningkatan produksi lalat black soldier fly pada PT Biomagg Indonesia

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    Economic growth accompanied by population growth and changes in people's living standards has led to environmental impacts such as the amount of landfill including food waste. Indonesia is the country in Southeast Asia that produces the highest amount of city waste which is 64 million tons a year. Total of 66.39% of all waste produced in Indonesia is disposed of and transported to landfills where most management still uses an open dumping system. Indonesia is the second largest food waste producing country in the world and produces 300 kg of food waste a person a year. Food waste is a food that discarded before and after expired. The largest sectors of producing food waste are households (47%), restaurants (37%), institutional sector hospitals, schools, and hotels (11%). Food waste can be re-processed into fertilizer and feed. The business to take advantage of increasing food waste has been developing. One of business that developing is the business of black soldier fly (BSF). The Business of black soldier fly is developing because maggot has the function as a processor of food waste be fertilizer. Maggot have high potential economic values as the source of protein alternative of livestock feed and fish flour. BSF has another potential to be used as medicine, mixture in formula milk, maggot oil and cosmetics. The business development of BSF insect have problems especially in maggot production. The problems are organic waste supply as maggot feed, unstable of weather make the reproduction process of BSF not optimum and the limitations of technological processing of maggot products has affecting the continuity of maggot production. The purpose of this study is analyze the feasibility of best alternatives business strategy to increasing production of black soldier fly. This research was conducted at PT Biomagg Indonesia which has three alternative scenarios of increasing production (1) finding suppliers that can provide organic waste stocks continously (2) making BSF cultivation cage close to organic waste sources to reduce transportation costs and (3) using production technology to fixed temperature problems. This research was conducted in December 2019-February 2020. The type of data used is primary data of financial and non-financial aspects. Data collected by quantitative method through interviews with Mr. Aminudi as CEO of Biomagg Indonesia Ltd and Prof.Dewi Astuti as an expert of BSF flies. The business feasibility analysis in this study includes aspects of financial visibility (NPV, IRR, profitability index and payback period) and non-financial aspects (legal, technic and operating aspects, management, socioeconomic and nature The analysis results show that the scenario 3 are feasible in financial and non-financial aspect. The results of switching value analysis show that scenario 3 has the best value followed by scenario 2 and scenario 1. Scenario 3 shows that using an exhaust fan and heater to overcome the temperature in the cage. Scenario 3 has Net Present Value, Internal rate of return, profitability index, and payback period positive if there is a decrease in sales. The purpose of the research that to find the best business feasibility for increasing production from the three scenarios, then scenario 3 is the best choice. Scenario 3 makes production increase 30-40%. Scenario 3 has the best financial feasibility and switching value